Training Injuries

January 19, 2025
Posted in Education
January 19, 2025 admin

Injuries can be frustrating and when serious enough will result in a pause in training, but it doesn’t always have to be the case. With any injury the first step is to have it checked by a medical professional to establish the extent of the injury and work out an effective rehabilitation plan, to heal & strengthen the injured area.

The application of BJJ is both physical & mental, and training should also encompass both. This means if you can’t train one aspect, you can more often than not, train the other.

If you can’t physically train then watching a class, asking questions & observing what others are doing when rolling can be simple ways to train mentally. The internet gives access to a massive library of information on techniques that can be studied.

When the injury allows, training technique only can be a first step to returning to the mats. Choosing appropriate training partners, ie a lighter person to reduce load on a recovering injury, while practising technique or beginning to roll again. Believe it or not, you can also roll light, to reintegrate sparring back into your training regime.

Injuries are inevitable if you train long enough, but you don’t have to end up with big breaks in your training because of them. Train smart, as well as hard, if you want longevity in your BJJ journey.


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